Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
I Need Your Presence at My Side, Your Trust, Your Perseverance, Your Dedication, Your Fervor Like Saint Veronica…
Message of Our Lord Jesus to Sister Beghe in Belgium on June 24, 2024

My beloved, My dear ones,
I love you very much, this Love holds Me and will always hold Me. This Love is that of God the Holy Spirit, the One who is unbounded Love, that of God. Love is the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity, it is so great, so strong, so exclusive and at the same time so broad that it includes all of creation.
I love you with this superabundant Love, I cannot express in human words this excess of Love that carries Me, that has carried Me throughout My earthly life and that will carry Me eternally. It was He who gave Me the Strength, the virtue of divine Strength to endure what I endured for you, and not for an instant did this Love falter. The chief priests hated Me, they hated Me, they crucified Me and I never stopped loving them in order to convert them and want to make them saints in My eternal company. They didn't want that while I fully aspired to it.
What was this synagogue? It was full of itself, it thought that it carried within itself, that it itself was the eternal jurisdiction, it took pleasure in itself to the point of committing the irreparable: the cruel and vengeful murder of its God.
This is how Lucifer wanted to act, he wanted to take the place of the Creator, to be the creator himself, but even if he wanted to, he couldn't. He then began to hate God. He then began to hate God, to envy Him, to want to kill Him, but St. Michael the Archangel intervened and the Prince of demons killed himself by opposing the Creator of all life. Lucifer turned against himself, he lost divine Life, he only sees himself and everything below him. Just as the blind tyrant only sees those around him through his own prism, for himself and with no more love than his own nauseating satisfaction, so is Lucifer, but in a tenfold way because he was created as an angel, it is his nature and even if he has lost all the benefits, he remains an angel.
The same goes for man: created for Heaven, he can deviate from the path set out for him by God, remaining a man and at the same time being able to be a wolf to his neighbor.
My dears, don't let yourselves be carried away by this roaring lion who hates you while luring you to himself, making you sway to pleasure, authority, domination, vainglory and all the material attractions that are fruitless for you. On the contrary, let yourselves be attracted by the true Good, that of divine Love which awaits you in Joy, in the Drunkenness of true divine Glory, in Devotion and in Fullness. You will achieve this through the exercise of virtues, there is no other way and the Holy Spirit, divine Love, through His seven gifts, gives you the keys: fear [of displeasing God], piety, knowledge, strength, counsel, understanding and wisdom.
My dear children, you have entered the time of turbulence and anyone who knows this dangerous phenomenon in flight knows that composure and reason must overcome all anxiety in order to cross this zone that is not good to cross. I will guide you to take you safely to your destination, but pray with sincerity, regularity and total trust because God sees everything, knows everything, foresees everything and He has His plan, His project, His program for you.
I carry My Cross and yours because My Cross had the weight of all yours and I carried them all. Simon Cyreneus came to help Me: all of you be Simon Cyreneus for Me, help Me carry it and never forget that I carry the greatest weight. I need your presence at My side, your trust, your perseverance, your dedication, your fervor like Saint Veronica who wasn't afraid to face the soldiers to bring Me a little comfort, to face the human spirit, to face what people will say! Look at the wonderful memory she left behind while another, out of false shyness, remained unknown to God and man.
May peace be with you, may all fear, all apprehension be far from you, My Love places you under His wings, My Love will guide you and lead you to your destiny whatever the path. Don't be afraid, don't worry, be wise in divine Wisdom and I will recognize you as My children, My adopted children, because this is My desire, this is My plan for you.
I bless you, My Dear Ones, My Beloved Ones, stay with Me, don't leave Me.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.